Save the Date! On 10 January at 4 p.m., there will be the opening of Irene Piloya's open-air exhibition ‘Integrant’ at the Merian Gardens – if the weather is good, there will be mulled wine and biscuits at the ‘Schwarzwaldblick’ (the definitive location will be announced in January). The multi-part installation ‘Integrant’ can be seen at four different locations in the gardens (Schwarzwaldblick, Baumreihe, Lindenhain and at the pavilion) and revolves around the life of trees in various facets, but particularly around that of the gingko tree in the gardens. In her work, the Ghanaian artist Irene Piloya repeatedly focuses on trees, which she sees as living museums, as natural archives of our culture – and as beings that can offer people protection and a home.
At irregular intervals, the Merian Gardens allow artists from around the world who live and work in the studios of Atelier Mondial for three to six months and who are working around topics of nature and sustainability to hold a showing in the gardens.